

The service today is founded upon the Gospel reading “The Parable of the Great Supper” (Luke14:15-24). In this reading, Jesus used the parable to teach about reaching out to those who normally would be excluded from the table.  The focus upon inclusivity remains extremely relevant for us today, with the incredibly busy schedules that feature in the lives of many people. This leaves some people with very little time to support each other and build each other up, especially in order to include, or meet the needs of, anyone who is different in some way, or who may have special needs.

One way in which children in our Australian are included is through school chaplaincy. School chaplains may give; hope, acceptance, support, comfort, care, and self- confidence to young people. Thank you for the many people in our church who have donated food products to assist with chaplaincy at Ashmore State School.  Other ways young people are supported by our church include playgroup, messy church and Religious Instruction in schools. We hosted a meeting of the Gold Coast Cooperative of Christian Religious Instruction (CCRI) on Friday during the week.

In our service of worship this week we have Tony Roberts, The Chaplain of Ashmore State School, to speak with us about chaplaincy. I ask you to remember that prayer connects us with God and connects the diverse range of people in our community with each other. Parents overcome barriers to raise their children when faced with challenges and a number of these children are helped by school chaplains, or hear the Christian message, in RI classes. It is important that we pray for the full inclusion in society of the children in our schools and that all may be included in God’s kingdom banquet.

Yours in Christ,


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